Extracting Active Directory accounts into SAS using Powershell
Having a list of domain users and associated properties can be useful for a number of reasons:
- Identifying joiners / leavers
- Getting a list of employees
- Converting usernames into email addresses
- Alerting administrators when accounts are locked out
Below is an approach for obtaining those users, producing a SAS dataset that could serve in a DI job for staging a database table.
/_ set up command via pipe fileref /options noquotelenmax;filename process pipe“powershell ""Get-ADUser -Filter {enabled -eq $True} -properties Title,LockedOut,Created,Department,EmailAddress|Select-Object SamAccountName,Name,GivenName,Surname,UserPrincipalName,DistinguishedName,Title,LockedOut,created,Department,EmailAddress|Export-CSV ‘%sysfunc(pathname(work))adusers.csv’ "" ”;/* execute command and capture any output from the shell /data null;infile process;input;list;run;/ load CSV into SAS dataset */data ADUSERS;infile “%sysfunc(pathname(work))adusers.csv” dsdfirstobs=3 lrecl=10000;input SamAccountName:$100. name:$100. GivenName:$50.SurName:$50. UserPrincipalName:$200.DistinguishedName:$500. Title:$100. LockedOut:$5.created:$25. Department:$50. EmailAddress:$100.;if index(DistinguishedName,‘OU=Employees’) then EMPLOYEEFLG=1;else EMPLOYEEFLG=0;run;
This will extract all ACTIVE accounts (enabled eq $True) with some selected additional properties (more here). Some conditional logic is applied to distinguish employees from service accounts.
- X Command enabled (see here for instructions, is similar process for workspace servers)
- Powershell installed