About the SAS London Users Group (SLUG)

The SAS London Users Group (SLUG) is a London-based user led community dedicated to realising the value of SAS software.  Sounds great.  But what does this actually mean?

London Based

Whilst our meetups take place in London, users are...

Split Character Data With Private Use Delimiters

I recently had a challenge - how to delimit an array of character data, when the delimiter itself may be in the data?  Furthermore, when that array has to fit in a SAS macro variable?

I was aware of nonprintables (hidden gremlins that can s...

Think you know SAS? Take the Sasensei Challenge

Think you know SAS?  Take the Sasensei challenge!  We’ve developed a question based learning system that will put your SAS knowledge to the test.  Sasensei is a kick ass ninja training tool for an expanding range...

Launching SMC on Mac OS over SSH with X11

As an avid developer of SAS Stored Process Web Applications, the Macbook Pro is my development machine of choice.  Since building a macro to programmatically c...

proc fcmp - file log put % bug

Having worked a lot with proc fcmp lately, I think it’s fair to say that the procedure should be ‘handled with care’.

Here’s an example of one of these weird / wonderful bugs (LIN X64, 9.04.01M3P062415):

Create / Compile / Run SCL in Enterprise Guide

The conundrum - I needed to run SCL on a windows machine without Base SAS (only EG) connecting to a Linux backend.

The obstacle - it is not possible to programmatically create an SCL catalog entry in batch mode.

The ...


The following came up when trying to launch sas on a recent Centos 7.3 install:

SAS L is StiLL aLive

If you’ve ever done any moderate googling on a SAS topic you’ve probably unearthed a thread on SAS-L, quite possibly from several decades ago.  You’d be forgiven for assuming that this simply something that “used to exist’ because - up until recen...

Tabs v Spaces - which is more popular in SAS?

Tabs or Spaces?  Does it even matter, so long as you / your team are consistent?  For many SAS developers the standard place to write code is the Program Editor - for which the default setting is to use tabs, else 4 spaces.

Interestingly - ...

Look out - Locale Gotcha

As gotcha’s go, this was a good one!

We had a report being generated with dates that were inconsistent with the source file (MMDDYY instead of DDMMYY), but only for certain records.  This was definitely related to the « Older EntriesNext Entries »