Dictionary of Dictionaries

The SQL procedure contains a lot of metadata information in the special DICTIONARY libref, and I often find myself needing to call select * from dictionary.dictionaries in order to query it. So to save time I've...

Cannot POST /SASStoredProcess/do/

You might see Cannot POST /SASStoredProcess/do/ when building a SAS Web App on SAS 9. The reason you see this, is that you have an incorrectly defined URL - either the host / server name is incorrect, or you a...

Modernising Legacy SAS SCL / AF Applications

Before SAS Studio, and even EG (but after display manager), there was a desktop application used exclusively for accessing SAS. It was known as Base SAS, and within it there was an application development facility known as S...

ERROR: Expected a comment or processing instruction.

Whilst creating a new macro for the macrocore library (mm_adduser2group) I received in my log: ERROR: Expected a comment or processing instructi...

ERROR: The request ? is missing required parameter Function Name.

I had this head scratcher today, when submitting some XML to SAS via proc metadata:

ERROR: The request ? is missing required parameter Function Name.

Turns out this was a simple fix - the input fileref simply wasn’t ...

ERROR: The referenced entity has not been defined.

I received the following today when uploading a large XML file via proc metadata:

ERROR: The referenced entity has not been defined.

All my entities had been appropriately escaped (or so I thought):

select (instr);

Loading files to SAS with CURL

A useful feature of SAS Stored Processes is the ability to load multiple files in a single request. This could be a bunch of CSVs for processing, or even a .sas program that you want to

Using CURL with SAS Stored Processes

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - SAS is an unparalleled platform for light...

Stackoverflow hits 10,000 SAS questions!

If you have a question about SAS - one that fits the definition of a good question - stackoverflow (SO) is a fantastic place to ask!  There is an active community, that cares about giving the...

Create a Metadata Folder in SAS -Programmatically

As a SAS Application Developer, it’s important for me to be able to build and deploy with the minimum of point and click intervention.  After previously automating ...

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