Data Controller v5

Version 5 of Data Controller for SAS® is now available!

With some serious updates since v4.0:

🚀 Viya 4 support 🚀 Base SAS support - on SASjs Server 🚀 COLUMN LEVEL SECURITY

This means that Data Controller will now run on A...

Failed to Transcode Data

Failed to transcode data from UUTF8CE to ULATIN9CE

During a recent Data Controller deployment for a Swedish customer we faced the error code below when deploying the backend SAS se...

Retained Keys

A Retained Key is an integer used to represent a particular business key in a database table. It is useful in the following scenarios:

  1. Optimising for speed of joins
  2. Enabling business keys with null values
  3. Handling co...

Login failed due to an error with the security certificate

When running the sas-admin CLI tool against a Viya server on https you may get the following response:

Password> Login failed due to an err...

Dictionary of Dictionaries

The SQL procedure contains a lot of metadata information in the special DICTIONARY libref, and I often find myself needing to call select * from dictionary.dictionaries in order to query it. So to save time I've...

Cannot POST /SASStoredProcess/do/

You might see Cannot POST /SASStoredProcess/do/ when building a SAS Web App on SAS 9. The reason you see this, is that you have an incorrectly defined URL - either the host / server name is incorrect, or you a...

Modernising Legacy SAS SCL / AF Applications

Before SAS Studio, and even EG (but after display manager), there was a desktop application used exclusively for accessing SAS. It was known as Base SAS, and within it there was an application development facility known as S...

ERROR: Expected a comment or processing instruction.

Whilst creating a new macro for the macrocore library (mm_adduser2group) I received in my log: ERROR: Expected a comment or processing instructi...

ERROR: The request ? is missing required parameter Function Name.

I had this head scratcher today, when submitting some XML to SAS via proc metadata:

ERROR: The request ? is missing required parameter Function Name.

Turns out this was a simple fix - the input fileref simply wasn’t ...

ERROR: The referenced entity has not been defined.

I received the following today when uploading a large XML file via proc metadata:

ERROR: The referenced entity has not been defined.

All my entities had been appropriately escaped (or so I thought):

select (instr);
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