Invoking Stored Processes with Powershell - the easy way

There are a number of ways to run SAS from Powershell:

  1. Using SAS Integration Technologies (Chris Hemedinger has some great resources on this)

Chaining Windows Commands in SAS Filename Pipe (&)

Using filename pipe (instead of the X command, or

Visual Studio Build Controller does not contain an enabled build agent with name * and no tags.

Currently working on putting our SAS deployment process into TFS and Release Management - part of which involves creating a ‘build’ in Visual Studio.

The below caused a build failure, and didn’t come up in google:

Extracting Active Directory accounts into SAS using Powershell

Having a list of domain users and associated properties can be useful for a number of reasons:

  • Identifying joiners / leavers
  • Getting a list of employees
  • Converting usernames into email addresses
  • Alerting ...

Converting SAS date to Javascript datetime (in Javascript)

Converting a SAS date or datetime to javascript isn’t hard, but still - it should be easy to google for!

  var dtSAS=20563;

Error trying to establish connection: Unable to Initialize: Invalid authorization specification

Thought I’d write this one up as the exact error message didn’t appear on google.  Of course, the sharp eyed among you will quickly spot the missing security / authorisation info..

Building Web Apps with SAS

Surprisingly little attention is given to the (huge) potential of the SAS platform for building web apps.  On the assumption this is due to sheer ignorance, the aim of this post is to share some of my experience, and give budding SAS web-developer...

Running EG or other client tools as SASSRV

Occasionally when debugging it can be useful to run as a system account for checking permissions etc.

A useful utility for this (in windows) is the “runas” command.  For instance (from the command window):

DIRECT_EXE warning

This one had me puzzled for a bit (SAS 9.2, Windows 2008, SQLNCLI10.1, OLEDB):

WARNING: The current setting of the...

Event Logging of Stored Process Server Sessions

Having seemingly brought down our 9.2 Windows 2008 STP server (only in DEV!!) during development of a yet another (awesome) STP web app, it occurred to me that more information was needed about just how many requests were being batted over.

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