SASjs Core
SASjs Core - Macros for SAS Application Developers
How often have you needed a macro and thought “surely someone has done this before”?
There’s no need to re-invent the wheel! The SASjs Core library is a collection of 228 (and counting) fully documented macros, split between:
- BASE (macro functions & procedures)
- DDL (for table creation
- FCMP (functions)
- LUA (functions)
- META (macros for metadata)
- METAX (metadata macros with XCMD)
- SERVER (macros for SASjs Server)
- VIYA (macros for SPRE)
- XPLATFORM (for all flavours of SAS)
The relevant components can be added to your SASAUTOS as follows:
%let repoloc=/your/path/core;
options insert=(sasautos="&repoloc/base");
options insert=(sasautos="&repoloc/ddl");
options insert=(sasautos="&repoloc/fcmp");
options insert=(sasautos="&repoloc/lua");
options insert=(sasautos="&repoloc/meta");
options insert=(sasautos="&repoloc/metax");
options insert=(sasautos="&repoloc/server");
options insert=(sasautos="&repoloc/viya");
options insert=(sasautos="&repoloc/xplatform");
Alternatively, if you have internet access from SAS, you can quickly include the entire set in 2 lines of code:
filename mc url "";
%inc mc;
If you’re a JS developer you can also run the below to pull the macros into your repo and lock to a particular GIT version:
npm install @sasjs/core
More links:
- Documentation (using sasjs doc)
- Tests (using sasjs test)
- Quality rules (using sasjs lint)
- Communities article on SASjs
SASjs Core currently has 82 stars, which puts the project at #10 in the top 10 of SAS-tagged repos.
All macros are MIT open source, and free for commercial use.